The Avalondi, also known as the Avalon Elf, are the most common elves on Xepher. When someone says the word "elf" this is what most people think of. Avalon elves originated from Ire, but over time migrated through the shadow to Galea until both worlds contained Avalondi. After the conjunction, all elves owed at least some amount of loyalty to Avalon, however not all of the Avalondi from Galea allied themselves with the nation their ancestors came from.
Avalon was a melting pot of many elven tribes from pre-historic times in Ire. These tribes formed together to create a unified elven culture. This new city was formed by five distinct subraces. Over time, these elves intermingled and created a the Avalondi culture. The interbreeding of these elven tribes soon became so common that it was difficult to tell the difference between the elves of Avalon. However, these new Avalondi still maintained some of their previous cultures and even physical traits in some. A resurgence of the old cultures grew and over time they became somewhat distinct elven ancestries within the city. They eventually broke off into their own groups while still maintaining the unified whole. Cultural rebirth of the old ways of each ancestry began to thrive, as well as distinct physical traits. These ancestries are known as star elves, light elves, sea elves, sky elves, and wood elves.
While all ancestries can be found in all roles and positions within Avalondi society, each ancestry tends to play a specific role. Star elves are commonly artisans, craftsmen, and mages. Light elves make up the majority of the military, and while all ancestries exist within the senate, most diplomats are light elves. There is also a disproportionate amount of clergy that are light elves. Dark elves are often jack of all trades, with most common being tradesmen, crafters, and scholars. Within the clergies they're most commonly priests of Eramuuth. The unique skills of the dark elves make them useful in spycraft for their people. Sea elves make up the most sailors and, along with sky elves, have many merchants. Sky elves, much like sea elves, are commonly merchants. They are also more often found within the air navy that other ancestries. Wood elves make up the most farmers, clothing makers, druids, shamans, and scouts.
Recently, within the last few hundred years, thanks to the Age of Darkness, many Drow and surface dwelling dark elves have joined with the Avalondi. While initially hesitant, the Avalondi have since fully embraced their lost cousins.
While not technically an ancestry of the Avalondi, there is a small number of elves that have been raised outside elven traditions. These elves are pitied, and often when found, they are integrated back into Avalondi society, and then celebrated for their return. These elves are called the Forlorn.
Avalondi differ in appearance depending on the ancestry. However, due to generations of interbreeding, mixed features are common. Because of this, a lot of Avalondi have features that are common to the five ancestries of the Avalondi. One elf may have the lighter skin of a light elf, the green colored hair of a wood elf, the height of a star elf, and the grace of a sky elf.
Dark Elf[]
Dark Elves are the darkest skinned of all elves, ranging from Ashen grey to onyx black. Their hair is naturally white, but many dark elves of the Avalondi will dye their hair. Their eyes come in a variety of bright warm colors, typically red, orange, or yellow, and rarely purple, pink, or magenta.
Their clothes vary from person to person, but they tend to favor extremes in styles. Either excessively fancy, or extremely basic without even a hint of elven stylistic flair.
Light Elf[]
Light elves are the fairest skinned of the Avalondi, sometimes pale enough to cause concern in some humans that don't know any better, but their skin tone, like other elves, is slightly otherworldly, taking on a slightly golden hue. Their eye and hair color ranges far more than other elves, with every color of the spectrum being possible. These colors are typically vibrant with bright yellow blondes, bright blues, and even stranger colors like pink or turquoise. The hair style is far straighter than any other Avalondi.
Light elves are are an average height, aligning similarly with humans of their region, averaging around 5'10" for males and 5'6" for females. Their style mimics their natural aesthetic with bright colors or white.
Sea Elf[]
Sea elves are found in a range of colors associated with the sea and water. Sea greens and blues are the most common skin colors, with similar colors for their eyes and hair. They often have webbed fingers and toes that help them swim better.
Their personal style depends on where they are raised. Avalon and Aeonil born sea elves favor colors that compliment their skin color, but rarely align with it. Because of this, they rarely wear greens and blues, favoring instead reds, purples, and practically any other color. Those born in the sea will wear what the sea floor provides, often based on kelp and other plants.
Sky Elf[]
Sky elves have darker skin, usually medium to dark brown with a slight purple hue. Their hair widely ranges along browns, with some having hair so light it's nearly white, through blondes, medium and dark browns, and all the way to brown so dark it's practically black. Many will dye their hair different colors found in the sky. Of all of the Avalondi, the Sky Elves have the tightest hair, often kinked and tightly coiled. Their eyes are most commonly a range of browns, but also includes bright colors, such as blue, green, orange, and purple.
Their fashion is separated into practical and formal. The first being form fitting and aerodynamic, the later being long flowing with draped gowns and shirts, covered in tassels down the arms, sides, and back most often. This is to symbolize the connection with the sky and its flowing winds. They are also the most likely to adorn themselves in excess jewelry, especially on the ears and faces. Of all of the Avalondi, the colors they favor vary the most, with any and every color they feel like wearing at the time. With so many options, they don't want to limit themselves.
Star Elf[]
Star elves, or Eldleen, get their name from cool complexion and their. While their skin is not grey, it is of a slight graying tint, and shadowed by a blue base rather than red, though the red hue from their blood can show through at times. Hair and eye color ranges on the dark and muted tones, with black and auburn being the most common hair, and shades of brown, grey, and hazel the most common eye colors.
Star elves are tall and regal, the tallest of the Avalondi on average. They are the most common to be over 6 feet. They favor elaborate clothing and ornaments more than any other Avalondi. It's not difficult to point out a star elf based solely on what they are wearing. The common attire being strait and long cut shirts with organic designs laced into it. The color of such clothing are commonly muted greys, whites, or other muted colors, with the lines of filigree being brighter colors to stand out more.
Wood Elf[]
Wood elves' physical features are more earthy. Their faces, while still graceful and beautiful, are more gruff than other ancestries. Their features are commonly of earthy tones, with their skin typically light to medium brown, often taking on a green hue, and their hair having earthy tones, as well, such as greens, browns, copper, orange, and yellows. Their hair is commonly more wavy and frizzy compared to other Avalondi. They are the shortest of the Avalondi, with typical heights of both male and females at around 5'6".
Much like their physical traits, wood elves favor earthy tones in their clothing and often wear sewn together leaves, bark, and leathers. They prefer a far more simple aesthetic than other Avalondi, but compared to many simplistic clothes of other races, wood elf clothing still far surpasses other crafters in stylizations.
Early History[]
Before the Avalon's history
s long and rocky. It was one of the original Three Kingdoms of Ire. For a complete history see the Avalon page and History of Ire.
Age of Darkness[]
The threat to the world and their gods just prior to the Age of Darkness showed itself. The head of the Sythe family was sent to investigate the undead threat. If the threat was proved to be great, he was to make contact and attempt a truce with the powerful human empire of Kaelithica. The treaty was made and elf and human fought side by side for the first time that history could remember.
During the Age of Darkness, much of Avalon was laid to waste. The elves took refuge on Kalador and its surrounding islands until it too was attacked. Refuge was finally found on New Kalador. After the Age of Darkness, the elves returned to Avalon and picked up the pieces of their once beautiful home. Avalon was reborn and the elves enjoyed a few hundred years of peace. Even after the Conjunction the elves lived in peace until The Fourth Drow War.
The Destruction of Avalon[]
The drow lead by Zenfaria assaulted the great elven nation with seemingly endless hordes. The elves were taken completely by surprise and were unable to successfully defend against the onslaught of their dark cousins. With the human ship Enterprise docked inside the floating isle, the king, Ander, sacrificed himself and their home to save their people. Most of the elves safely escaped on elven airships.
With the aid of heroes, Ander detonated the human airship which produced a blast so large that it shattered Avalon and sent its pieces to the corners of the world. In the process, he destroyed almost the entire drow army and some say, saved the world.
Current History[]
The elves of Avalon now live within the United Keenar Federation on a set of previously uninhabited islands they named Aeonil. They enjoy peace they hope will last longer than the last. The elves have a truce with the rest of the federation and trade is quite profitable in the area. For now, life is good.
They haven't given up on their home. The elves have sent many scouts to retrieve lost relics and find the resting places of all the pieces of their once mighty nation in the sky. So far, many have returned with treasure and locations. However, a very large amount of important objects and places have yet to be found. They will not give up their search until everything is recovered.
Many of the elves that traveled from Ire to Galea before the conjunction have allied with, or joined Aeonil, forming a world wide empire with the heart at the elven council.
Society & Culture[]
The elves of Avalon have their own pantheon that they refer to as the Estanosse. They focus on nature and freedom. Each of the deities has its own sacred bird, and in all, elves revere all birds as sacred. Most elves, while honoring and worshiping the gods, do not let the gods govern their every day life. To do so would be a front to the gods and the freedom they provide.
Avalondi have very good relations compared to only 400 years ago. The majority of Avalon elves are members of the United Keenarian Federation, and trade freely in the surrounding seas. Even those that live around the world tend to be friendly towards other races, especially humans and minotaur.
All Avalon elves have different reasons for adventuring, and these reasons tend to be more similar depending on the ancestry.
Racial Traits[]
Avalondi have a plethora of specific alternate racial traits that align with the five ancestries that joined Avalon. Regardless of which ancestry the character is, they can take traits from any of the blessings, heritages, and upbringing. This is true for any elf born in Avalon or Aeonil. Avalondi raised in Galean nations will typically have traits that align with that specific nation. However, they are still not fully restricted to the ethnic traits
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution: Avalondi are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail.
- Medium: Avalondi elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Normal Speed: Avalondi have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Low-Light Vision: Avalondi can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. See Chapter 7 of the Core Rule Book.
- Keen Senses: Avalondi receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception Skill checks.
- Revere: Avalondi do not sleep. Instead, they enter a state called revere which functions like sleep for all purposes except it only takes 4 hours to full sleep instead of 8. Avalondi are immune to magic sleep.
- Divine Blessing: Avalondi are a highly religious people, and for that they are blessed by their gods. Choose one of the Divine Blessings trait from below.
- Elven Heritage: Avalondi have mixed their heritages for thousands of years, leaving endless possibilities for which ancestry's abilities they're born with. Choose one elven heritage trait from below.
- Elven Upbringing: Avalondi are a diverse people, so much so that even those raised in the same neighborhood of a major city could have a different upbringing and different training. Choose one Elven Upbringing trait from the list below.
- Languages: Avaloniandi begin play speaking Common and Avalondi. Avalondi with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Gnome, Goblin, Minotaur, Orc, and Sylvan.
Divine Blessings[]
Each of the Divines of the Avalondi grant a gift to their people. Some are more common that others, and some are so rare that only a handful of individuals have it. The vast majority of Avalondi are granted the Blessing of Eramuuth when they are born. It is also possible to forsake Eramuuth's blessing and ask one of the other deities to grant you theirs. This is an exceptionally difficult task, and is often viewed as either taboo ormust be done in front of a shrine with the proper offerings.
- Blessing of Alshion (Skywalker): The Avalondi blessed by Alshion have a speed and grace that goes beyond that of other Avalondi, allowing them to easily flow around obstacles. His blessing grants the Avalondi a +1 dodge bonus to AC while moving and a +2 bonus to Acrobatics checks.
- Blessing of Eramuuth (Elven Immunities): The majority of Avalondi are blessed and protected by Eramuuth. This blessing was to fix a mistake the gods made with the "First People." Eramuuth protects the mind of the Avalondi from intrusion. The Avalondi gains a +1 racial bonus on Will saves and an additional +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
- Blessing of Eliesrana (Dreamseer): A small number Avalondi have the ability to tap into the power of sleep, dreams, and prescient reverie. The majority of those with this blessing are Star Elves, but does not have to be exclusively so. Avalondi with this racial trait add +1 to saving throw DCs for spells of the divination school, sleep effects they cast, as well as any spell or effect that affects dreams. They also gain a +1 bonus to caster level for such abilities and spells.
- Blessing of Ishrana (Ishran Hunter): Ishrana grants a select few Avalondi to be the most prestigious of hunters. The Avalondi gains scent and a +2 racial bonus on Survival checks.
- Blessing of Haarl (Waterwalker): Haarl grants a small few the ability to enter his realm. The Avalondi gains the Amphibious sub-type, and can breathe both air and water. Sea elves are typically born with this blessing.
- Blessing of Kaeleth (Lightbringer): Many elves revere the sun, moon, and stars, but some are literally infused with the radiant power of Kaeleth. While this trait is most commonly seen in Light Elves, although any Avalondi could be granted this blessing. Avalondi with this racial trait are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spell or effect they cast (including spell-like and supernatural abilities).
- Blessing of Pathon (The Unbound): Those with Pathon's protection are more difficult to bind. The Avalondi gains a +2 racial bonus to saves vs spells and abilities that hinder movement, and a +2 racial bonuses to Escape Artist, combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple, and to CMD against grapples, bull rush, and reposition.
- Blessing of Pria (Oakskinned): The blessing of Pria is one of toughness. These Avalondi are praised as dutiful guardians of the Avalondi way, and defenders of the forests. The Avalondi gains DR 5/darkwood.
- Blessing of Saianash (Rune Touched): Saianash's position as scribe allows him to grant protection against those who would do harm with language. The Avalondi is immune to any effect that is language dependent and gains a +2 racial bonus to saves against spells made with writing, such as glyphs, sigils, and runes.
- Blessing of Volenrath (Swordtouched): While it is not required to bear the Sword, it is required that someone in your past did. With that, this trait can manifest in nearly anything. Due to the connection the Sythe line has with the Sword of Sythe, many of its members are born with increased positive energy within them. This also occasionally extends to those born in other Legacies when Sythe blood mingles with theirs. This grants a number of abilities. They gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects, death effects, energy drain, negative energy, spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school, swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion, Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. Unlike other blessings, this blessing counts as both the blessing and the Elven Heritage, disallowing the elf to take a heritage.
Elven Heritage[]
Avalondi Heritage[]
- Elven Magic: Deep study and use of magic in your family have given you innate abilities to create more powerful magics and learn it faster. Avalondi receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
- Innate Magic: Your family's use of magic has granted you the ability to use basic magic naturally. You gain the Basic Magic Training feat.
Dark Elf Heritage[]
- Dark Elf: Your family can trace at least some amount of its lineage to the dark elves that never descended, and their magic runs through your veins. You gain by Basic Magic Training feat, and you must take the Dark sphere. You gain a +1 racial bonus to caster level, MSB, and MSD with all Dark sphere talents.
- Half-Drow: Your family has recently intermingled with drow, likely having a full-blooded drow as a parent. You gain darkvision 60", light blindness, and may take another Avalondi heritage other than Risen Drow. You may not take the Blessing if Kaelith Divine Blessing.
- Risen Drow: You maintain several of the qualities of your drow ancestry. You have spell resistance equal to 6 + Hit Dice, darkvision 120", and light blindness. You must take the Blessing of Eramuuth Divine Blessing.
Light Elf Heritage[]
- Diplomatic Unity: The ancient ways of the Light Elf are your ways, believe that there are often better options other than violence. You gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. In addition, when using Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can do so up to three steps up rather than just two.
- Touch of Light: The namesake of your ancestry is born within you. You gain the Basic Magic Training feat but must choose the Light sphere. You gain a +1 racial bonus to Caster Level, MSB, and MSD with Light sphere talents.
Sea Elf Heritage[]
- Natural Swimmer: Sea elves typically have unique webbed growths that allow for better swimming. The Avalondi gains a swim speed equal to their base movement and can see through regular water clearly. Mud and other debris still block sight.
- Sea Legs: Some sea elves aren't meant for life in the sea, but on it. They gain a +2 bonus to Swim checks and to Acrobatics checks made to balance.
- Sea Mage: You gain the Basic Magic Training feat but must choose the Nature sphere with the Water package. You gain a +1 racial bonus to Caster Level, MSB, and MSD with Nature (Water) sphere talents.
Sky Elf Heritage[]
- Altitude Affinity: Whether born to fly through the mountains, or to man an airship, the sky elf has no problem with thinner air. They gain the Altitude Affinity feat.
- Air Magic: You gain the Basic Magic Training feat but must choose the Nature sphere with the Air Package. You gain a +1 racial bonus to Caster Level, MSB, and MSD with Nature (Water) sphere talents.
Star Elf Heritage[]
- Outer Thought: You gain the Basic Magic Training feat but must choose the Mind sphere. You gain a +1 racial bonus to Caster Level, MSB, and MSD with Mind sphere talents.
- Starry Eyes: You gain the Basic Magic Training feat but must choose the Divination sphere. You gain a +1 racial bonus to Caster Level, MSB, and MSD with Divination sphere talents.
Wood Elf Heritage[]
- Feytouched: You gain the Basic Magic Training feat but must choose the Fallen Fey sphere. You gain a +1 racial bonus to Caster Level, MSB, and MSD with Fallen Fey sphere talents.
- Treesinger: You gain the Basic Magic Training feat but must choose the Nature sphere with the Plant package. You gain a +1 racial bonus to Caster Level, MSB, and MSD with Nature (Plant) sphere talents.
- Forest Runner: You gain a climb speed equal to your base speed.
Elven Upbringing[]
Traditions among the Avalondi change from house to house.
Avalondi Upbringing[]
- Arcane Focus: Some Avalondi families believe that magic is far more important that anything, even to the point of forsaking any martial training. The Avalondi gains a +2 racial bonus on Concentration checks.
- Weapon Familiarity: Avalondi are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word "elven" in its name as a martial weapons.
Dark Elf Upbringing[]
- Dark Avalondi: Your families secrets and lineage is not forgotten. Whenever you benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light, you gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks.
- Sirran Born: Raised in the jungles of Sirran, you are familiar with the jungles heart and soul. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Survival while within a jungle.
Forlorn Elf Upbringing[]
- Human-Raised: These Avalondi grow accustomed to those around them dying, and they've also lost the opportunity to train in traditional elven arts, but these Avalondi pick up skills from the humans that raised them. The Avalondi gains a +2 racial bonus to any one Background skill.
- On Your Toes: Growing up around other races means that you always have to watch your back. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Initiative checks. Only Avalondi raised away from elven society may take this trait.
Light Elf Upbringing[]
- Patient Observer: Light elves are well known for their cunning and patience, often able to wait out opponents until the exact right moment. The Avalondi gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls and skill checks made as part of a readied action.
- Mageknight: Light elves are frequently soldiers and will still train with the arcane. Choose a single spell or set of talents that produce's one effect. You gain a +1 to caster level when using this talent. Also, choose one weapon among the list of weapons in the Weapon Familiarity Avalondi Upbringing trait. Gain proficiency in that single weapon.
Sea Elf Upbringing[]
- Sea Weapons: You are proficient with rapiers, longspears, tridents, nets, and treat any weapon with the word "elven" in its name as a martial weapons.
- Sailor: You were raised on the high seas. You gain a +1 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Profession (Sailor) checks.
Sky Elf Upbringing[]
- Lofty Childhood: You were raised in the sky or the highest peaks and learned how to navigate the mountains or an airship. Gain a +1 racial bonus on all Acrobatics and Climb checks.
- Quick Footed: Sky elves are well known for their grace and speed, even more so than other Avalondi. Not all of this is natural, some of it is taught. One such teaching is how to run faster than others. The Avalondi gains +5 ft racial bonus to their base speed.
Star Elf Upbringing[]
- Adept Crafter: Star elves are very commonly crafters if they are not mages. Choose a single Craft skill. Gain a +1 racial bonus to all Craft checks with the chosen Craft. Additionally, one per day, you may reroll a single check made with the chosen Craft.
- Potent Arcane: Star elves are far more likely to be raised among magic, learning the ins and outs of magic. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) checks.
Wood Elf Upbringing[]
- Wilderness Survival: Wood elves are at home in nature, more so than other Avalondi. The Avalondi gains a +1 racial bonus to Survival checks, and survival is always a class skill.
- Woodland Scout: Raised as a defender of your home, you have mastered your environment. You ignore 5' of difficult terrain within forests.
Random Physical Characteristics[]
Random Starting Ages[]
Adulthood | Intuitive | Self-Taught | Trained |
146 years | +5d10 | +8d10 | +12d10 |
Age Categories[]
Adulthood | Middle | Old | Venerable | Maximum |
126 years | 300 years | 450 years | 600 years | 600 + 4d100 |
Random Height and Weight[]
Sex | base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 5 ft. 6 in. | +2d6 in. | 115 lbs | +2d8 x 5lbs |
Female | 5 ft. 4 in. | +2d6 in. | 90 lbs | +2d6 x 5 lbs |
Alternate Character Rules[]
Elf Class Variants[]
- Wizard: Dualist