Galea Wiki

White mana is drawn from the plains. It embodies the principles of morality and order.

White puts value in the group, the community, and its civilization as a whole. White's ultimate goal is peace; a world where everyone gets along and no one seeks to disturb the safety and unity that White had worked so long to forge. To govern and protect its community, White makes use of and puts value in a number of broad concepts; morality (ethics, religion), order (law, discipline), uniformity (conformity), and structure (government, planning).

In White's belief, there is little grey area in morality (as morality is defined, clarified, and guided by rules of ethics) and thus very little room for straying from the path. White does not focus on the individual, but instead on the whole. Individuals are indeed encouraged to act on behalf of White and stop those who oppose it, even inside its own borders, but their personal views and feelings are often disregarded and even discouraged in a manner, in order to preserve the health and bond of the group. While Red can be perceived as an advocate of the underdog (the individual who stands against the group), White does stick up for the minority and feels that it deserves fairness as much everyone else.

One can view White as a literal "Ivory Tower." On the surface, one sees strength, fortitude, elegance, and purity. Underneath, however, these qualities represent an inherent rigidity. There is little room for change, there is little flexibility, only the iron dictum of the initial design. To those inside the tower, this is as it should be. To those on the outside of the tower, this attitude has its drawbacks, however, as it can also include oppression and a lack of individuality.
